Cari Din teaching class

Kinesiology Faculty Members

Explore teaching and research in the Faculty of Kinesiology

Explore Kinesiology research areas below. If you would like to work with a researcher, share your CV, or you have a research question, please contact the researcher directly. Their email address is in their profile. 

Joint Faculty

Those who hold appointments with Kinesiology and one or more other faculties.

Dr. Steven K. Boyd, PhD

Dr. Sean Dukelow, PhD

Dr. Janet Ronsky, PhD

Dr. Marc Poulin, PhD, DPhil

Dr. Patrick Whelan, PhD

Dr. Charlene Elliott, PhD

Dr. Dana Olstad, PhD

Marc Poulin in lab
Nicole Culos-Reed with students

Student Research

Faculty members mentor post-doctoral, graduate and undergraduate researchers. Discover how to participate in research, find out the best way to approach a potential supervisor, see what topics others are digging into, and more. 

Participate in Research

Our researchers need your help to conduct studies that make a positive impact in our communities. Check out a research study or clinical trial in the Faculty of Kinesiology.